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Hair Health


Is it your hair or your scalp?


My Hair

Combat breakage, dryness, dullness and detox from minerals in your pool, hot tub, or shower water. Treat the hair with a custom blend, chosen with your stylist during your visit. This includes a wash and style.


My Scalp

Fight itchy, dry, or overly oil scalp and enjoy an invigorating head massage during this custom treatment. This includes a wash and style.


Get Rid of The Frizz and Poof

If your hair is wavy, the Brazilian Blowout will make your hair appear naturally straight and healthy. If your hair is very curly, it will minimize frizz while enhancing the appearance of the natural wave/curl. If you have straight, frizzy hair, this treatment will eliminate frizz and promote radiant shine.

Brazilian Blowout


Add to your service

To add the Deep Condition or the Scalp Treatment onto any other service, simply use the treatments menu when booking.